The Imperfect Enjoyment
Naked she lay, claspt in my longing Arms,
Swift Orders, that I should prepare to throw
Melt into Sperm, and spend at every Pore:
My panting Breast, and is there then no more?
Must we not pay a Debt to Pleasure too?
But I the most forlorn, lost Man alive,
To shew my wisht Obedience vainly strive,
Eager desire confound my first intent,
Succeeding shames does more success prevent,
Even her fair Hand, which might bid heat return
Than Fire to Ashes could past Flames restore:
Now languid lies in this unhappy hour,
Thou treacherous, base deserter of my flame,
So true to Lewdness, so untrue to Love?
With what officious haste does thou obey:
That Scuffles, Cuffs, and Ruffles all he meets:
But if his King or Country claim his Aid,
Even so thy Brutal Valor is displaid,
When all my Joys did on False thee depend.